Wednesday mornings are great. I look forward to them. Specifically, 9:30am when my Vinyasa yoga class starts. I love it so much that it has a standing place on my calendar. Like, I won't schedule a hair appointment on Wednesday mornings. I said I wasn't available that day to volunteer at school. My yoga time is special and valuable to me, and I guard it.
This past Wednesday was no different. I showed up, mat in arms, ready to find my zen. Candy, my yogi, got us going with our Sun Salutations and flowing, and I was feeling great. With about 15 minutes left in class she announced that we were going to spend the rest of time working on inversions, namely head and hand stands. I grinned, and got excited, as I have been wanting to improve my head stands.
We started on the wall, using it to over come our fear of going inverted. I felt great and got some head stands done on the wall. I chickened out on the hand stands, but did get a head stand from the crow position, off the wall.
Head Stands
Head Stand Hair
I ripped up the skin on my toes from doing so many stands
About 4pm I headed back to the gym with my littles for their afternoon class. While there, I thought I'd be a cool kid and work on my head stands a bit more. Turns out, I'm not that cool. I could get up on my head, and dork around a bit, but I always fell. Like, a lot.
Trying to do a lotus on the wall pose
Head Stand
Turns out that when you fall, you can sometimes land hard on your shoulder. Ask me how I know? Oh yeah. Cause I fell hard on my shoulder. It didn't hurt at the time, but about 35 minutes later it started to hurt. Driving wasn't fun. Trying to sleep wasn't fun. Waking up the next day was terrible. You can bet that I was googling why my shoulder hurt. After a day of normal use, it feels better, but I can tell it is going to be sore for a while. Which means no head stand practice for a while. Or CrossFit. Or heavy things. But hey, look at those head stands!