On November 17, 2016 after 89 activities and 384.57 miles, I retired my first pair of Hokas. They were Sunny Lime Clifton 2s, and I really liked that pair. Connect allows one to "retire" the shoes, and they are moved from the Active Gear display to the Retired Gear display page. It's almost like a little scrapbook of shoes past.
The Hoka One One Clifton 2 in Sunny Lime
As a new year approaches, I always make it my goal to use up all the bits and bottles before using something new. I try and cook with what is in my pantry and freezer, clean out cupboards, and use up what I have. I applied that same thought process to running shoes this year, and have been working towards putting the last few miles on some shoes before I open the shiny new pairs.
So, on January 6, 2017 I retired another pair of Hoka One Ones. This time it was a pair of Stinson Lites with 393.2 miles on them. Also a great pair of shoes with lots of good runs.
The Hoka One One Stinson in Acid Aqua White
And on January 21, 2017 I put my last treadmill miles on a pair of pink and white Hoka One Ones. I don't know the style. I purchased them on the internet last winter because they were my size and really inexpensive, like $40ish. Can't say they were my favorite pair, or the most pretty. But they served me for 311.2 miles, and I certainly got my money's worth out of them.
Hoka One One in pink
I'm excited to open a couple boxes of new shoes. I have another couple pairs of Clifton 2s to wear, and I found a pair of Infinites on sale to try. I hope to get around 400 miles per pair...wonder how long that'll take...
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