Tuesday, October 27, 2015

New Shoes - Reebok CrossFit Nanos 2.0 Review

Yahoo! New shoes! Can you tell yet that I love new shoes? And really, who doesn't?

This past weekend I was at Academy Sports to purchase some sneakers for my son, and thought I'd check out the Nanos while I was there. I'd tried on a pair at Dick's a couple of months ago to figure out my size, but just hadn't pulled the trigger yet to purchase a pair. So, in the Nano section there were several choices in color and model. Nanos go all the way up to 5.0 right now, and I was pretty sure that there wasn't a huge amount of difference in the models. Having just started CrossFit this past June, I wanted to give myself some time to make sure I really enjoyed CrossFit before I invested $120+ into shoes just for that activity. (I know, I pay way more than that for running shoes, but I already know I love to run...and stuff like that. Don't pick on me!)

Anyway, there in the Nano section was a pair of 2.0s marked down to just $39.99. Whoa. Let me take a second look at those. They weren't my first color choice, but at that price I could certainly look past their wild side and give them a shot. And really, the colors match everything I own in the fitness department - I wouldn't look silly wearing them.  :)

I've worn them for two days now at the 6am CrossFit class. And so far, I like 'em. They take some getting used to as they are very flat inside and offer no arch support. But that works for what they help you do - grip the floor to make lifting work easier. At first they almost felt like clown shoes with how much room my toes had to move around, but after two days, I like it. I get it. They work.

Like I said, the color choice is bright. Like some neon puke just landed all over my shoes. But, that too is growing on me, and I'm starting to like it. Neon is popular in fitness gear right now, and I wear a lot of it. So, why not have matching shoes?!

 The soles after two days in class. Day one was rowing, lifting on a rubber floor, and then a one mile run - outside. These are certainly not running shoes, and anything beyond a mile I would want to change out of these and into general sneakers or running shoes. These are not made for running. I also wouldn't want to do much more than a mile outside. I like to keep the soles looking pretty.

I sized up to an 8.5. I wear 8s in normal, everyday shoes. I wear 8.5 in running and gym sneakers. So, I stuck with the 8.5 for these as well. They don't feel too big at all. Just right and roomy, like they should be.

The verdict - I'm keeping 'em. I'm glad I purchased them. Is it silly to say that they make me feel like a real, legit, CrossFitter now? I mean, I've got the shoes - I must be part of the club. And by club, of course I mean cool kids club. What other kind of club is there?

In other news, tonight marks Game 1 of the World Series, and for the second time in as many years, The Royals are headed to the Fall Classic. Go Royals! #TakeTheCrown

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