Sunday, March 27, 2016

Weekly Wrap-Ups - Epic Unload...again.

So, can I use the excuse that I've been too busy getting my fitness on that I haven't had a chance to blog? What about saying I've had a lot of mom-duties to tend to? Yeah, ok. I know. The blog has fallen off the radar yet again. Sorry to my three loyal readers. I do have some good news though. I have been selected to be an INKnBURN Ambassador for a second term. Yep, you read that right. I get to share more new INKnBURN with you all.the.time. Lucky you!

And now for the fitness wrap-up part of things.

March 6 - 12, 2015
Run - 26.54 miles
CrossFit - 4 classes

3.10.2016 - Hit a new PR with my mile time, and #beatyesterday.

It is the Year of the Monkey, so I run.

March 13 - 19, 2016
Run - 22.10 miles
CrossFit - 4 classes
Yoga - 1 class

At CrossFit on Pi Day (3.14) in my P.I. shirt by INKnBURN (Get it?)

St. Patrick's Day "Fran" workout at CrossFit in INKnBURN Lucky Charm.

March 20 - 26, 2016
Run - 22.67 miles
CrossFit - 3 classes
Jazzercise - 1 class

Another day of 'mill miles while my oldest son does his Karate class at our gym. I went with Classic INKnBURN - Pink Ink shirk and a Chick'D tech tee.

I have continued my #runstreak to 89 days which I'm pretty darn excited about! March is almost over, and I've finished my goal of running 85 miles this month, and am still on track to surpass my 1000 mile year goal.

Let's Connect!
Instagram - @Running_with_Hart   I post here most often!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Weekly Wrap-Ups - The Catch Up Edition

Yeah, I know. It's been a minute since I posted last. Opps. Amazing how life jumps in the way.

Anyway, here is what I have been up to broken down by week. You can also follow along on Instagram, where I post waaaaayyyy more often. Find me there at @running_with_hart

Feb 7 - 13
Run - 25.65 miles
Walk - 5.86 miles
CrossFit - 2 classes
Jazzercise - 1 class
Yoga - 1 class

Feb 14 - 20
Run - 29.29 miles
CrossFit - 4 classes
Jazzercise - 3 class

Feb 18, 2016

Feb 21-27
Run - 31.08 miles
CrossFit - 3 classes
Jazzercise - 2 class
Yoga - 1 class

Feb 28 - March 5
Run - 28.03 miles
Walk - 1.15 miles
CrossFit - 4 classes
Jazzercise - 2 class
Yoga - 1 class

February was a great month for me. I finished up with the following totals:
Run - 118.22 miles
Walk - 5.86 miles
CrossFit - 14 classes
Jazzercise - 8 class
Yoga - 3 class

While I could have done better on the class totals, I'm not beating myself up over them. I worked in what I could, when I could, and still kept my mileage up. That is the highest run total for me in a month ever. My year total is 229.27 - a full 59.27 miles ABOVE what my goal was for the year (1000 total, 85 per month.) I'm well on track to reach my goal, and maybe even beat it.

Now if I could just get back to blogging more...

Let's Connect!