Friday, March 31, 2017

March 2017 - A Numbers Game

Today marks day 127 of my current #runstreak. I've been on it since Thanksgiving. It started as a Runner's World challenge to run everyday between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. And it has stuck. So onward I roll with it.

March was a great month. I got a lot of miles in with my running. Still got some walking miles in. And was able to get in a few biking miles with my littles due to some nice days. I also kept up with my yoga practice, and hit the 6am class for CrossFit several times. I also doubled my stair climbing total for the year doing over 6000 steps this month, when January and February combined were just over 6000 steps. Still not my favorite exercise, but I know getting that in a couple times a month is good for me. To top it all off, I'm down almost 4 pounds. I'm attributing that to being on the new IDLife Nutrition supplements that I started taking. I more rested when I wake, and less tired in the afternoons. Plus their Grape Hydrate is a fantastic drink! Let me know if you want more info on that.

My March Madness

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Grape Hydrate - My new FAV drink!

I'm still here, still at it, plugging away. I'm on day 117 of my current run streak. It is the longest one I've had so far. Not sure when I'll let it go, but I don't feel the need to any time soon. I've actually been feeling really great so far. I've been taking my IDLife Nutrition vitamins in the morning and afternoon, and just feel great. I love that they are custom to me. And that they are pharmaceutical grade, meaning they don't have all the junk and fillers that you'd find in the grocery store section. I like that I am taking them when my body will get the fullest use out of them. Did you know that you should be taking your Omegas in the evening? Yep. If you want to check out your HealthID Score, and see just what vitamins you should be taking too, head over to and click on the blue button in the top right corner. Fill out the 30ish questions, which your answers are HIPAA protected, and see what you should be taking. It's free, and takes just a few minutes. Let me know what you think!

My vitamin strip pack. They are labeled and easy to read. 

I'm also loving some of the additional products that IDLife offers, like the Hydrate in Grape. It tastes like a Grape Crush soda, but doesn't have any of the extra sugar or chemicals that a soda has. It works as a great pick-me-up in the afternoons, or just when I want something besides water to drink, but I don't want to fill my body with all the extra ick that comes with sugar drinks. And it has just 10 calories! I just mix it with a bottle of water when I'm on the go, or in my blender bottle when I'm at home. Quick and easy!

Grape Hydrate - Yum!

Check out the other flavors - Fruit Punch or Mango Passion, along with Grape, here

Let's Connect!
Instagram - @Running_with_Hart   I post here most often!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

ID Life

Hey guys -

So along with stepping up my fitness this year, I'm also trying to improve my nutrition. I cut out extra processed sugar at the beginning of March, and while it has been hard, I feel good about it. I'm still eating fruit and things like crackers that I know contain sugar, but no candy, cookies, flavored coffee, etc. I'll slowly work on cutting out the sugar from other items like crackers, but I'm taking steps in the right direction, so I'm gonna call that a win.

I've also started to work with a nutrition company called Individually Designed Life or IDLife. They make a pharmaceutical grade line of daily vitamins that are customized to each person called IDNutrition. You fill out an online health survey that has been backed by nutrition science and is HIPAA compliant, and based on your answers, IDLife creates a daily strip of vitamins that you take morning and night. I'm pretty excited about this. No more taking "what I hope will work for me products" or products with fillers. These are high quality, good for you vitamins!

What the strip pack looks like

Taking the health assessment is easy and quick. You go to the IDLife website ( and click on the blue button in the top right that says 
"Take your FREE Assessment Now!"
The main IDLife website

Follow the instructions honestly, and see your health score, along with the suggested vitamins. 

Your Health Score will be shown in the blue circle

You also can click WHY? and see just why you should be taking what IDLife suggested. The report is printable and savable, and can be updated at any time as your health and needs change. It is that cool. I encourage everyone to take the Health Assessment just to see where they are at with their health.


IDLife also offers some great complimentary products like a protein shake for adults, or even one that is safe for kids! This is huge for me. My boys are active guys, and I want to be able to give them filling and healthy snacks that will keep them going all day long. There are also protein bars for adults, and again, protein bars for kids! The kid bars are nut free so they are safe to take to school. All the bars are Organic, Gluten Free, and Full of Fiber! And they taste great. Both of my boys really liked the Kid Bar.
The full line of kid products - My kids approve!

The Protein Bars - Yum!

There also products for keeping hydrated, sleeping, quick energy boost, skin care, pre & post workout, and more. Check out my for a full line of products.

Let's Connect!
Instagram - @Running_with_Hart   I post here most often!!

February Twenty17 By The Numbers

Sometimes I get distracted by shiny things and forget to post here.
Sometimes I get busy with life and forget to post here.
Sometimes it is a combination of both.

Anyway, I wrapped up February feeling strong. These were the numbers.


My running goals were back on track. The walking and biking were up, and I'm adding more stair climbing each month. CrossFit was a little down due to the shoulder strand injury, but things feel good now and are back on track. Overall, I'd say it was a great month.