Saturday, December 12, 2015

12 Days of Fitness Challenge Part 3

I'm down to the last four days of the #12daysoffitnesschallenge with @slowtrigirl over on Instagram. It has been a fun way to start the month, and keep myself in check with all the holiday sweets and over eating that could occur. I've had a good time taking pictures of these movements, and watching my planking ability improve a little.

On the ninth day of fitness my trainer gave to me...
- 9 bicycle crunches
- 8 mountain climbers
- 7 skater jumps
- 6 tricep dips
- 5 sumo squats
- 4 burpees
- 3 push ups
- 2 minute wall sit
- 1 minute plank

On the tenth day of fitness my trainer gave to me...
- 10 lunges
- 9 bicycle crunches
- 8 mountain climbers
- 7 skater jumps
- 6 tricep dips
- 5 sumo squats
- 4 burpees
- 3 push ups
- 2 minute wall sit
- 1 minute plank

Rocking the INKnBURN Hana tank

On the eleventh day of fitness my trainer gave to me...
- 11 jumping squats
- 10 lunges
- 9 bicycle crunches
- 8 mountain climbers
- 7 skater jumps
- 6 tricep dips
- 5 sumo squats
- 4 burpees
- 3 push ups
- 2 minute wall sit
- 1 minute plank

On the twelve and FINAL day of fitness my trainer gave to me...
- 12 jumping jacks
- 11 jumping squats
- 10 lunges
- 9 bicycle crunches
- 8 mountain climbers
- 7 skater jumps
- 6 tricep dips
- 5 sumo squats
- 4 burpees
- 3 push ups
- 2 minute wall sit
- 1 minute plank
Jumping Jacks in INKnBURN Crane Pull-Over

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