Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January 2017 Fitness Wrap-Up

January 2017 has come, and is now finished. Wow. That was quick. I had some lofty goals for this month, and while I didn't most of them, I worked hard and feel really good about my stats for the month.

To review, my goals were...

  • 112.5 Running miles
  • 8.3 Walking miles
  • 12.5 Biking miles
  • 13+ CrossFit classes
  • 4 Yoga classes
Staying sharp and in focus

And my actually numbers looked like this...

  • 101.71Running miles - I cruised to over 100 miles which is nothing to be sad about. But I didn't get in as many long runs outside as I would have liked.
  • 7.47 Walking miles - Short less than a mile which I can make up easily.
  • 0 Biking miles - I'm hoping to get these miles when the weather is warmer and I can be outside.
  • 2749 Stairs - The Empire State Building is 1579 stairs, so I climbed that. Go me!
  • 10 CrossFit Classes - Yahoo! 10 is great.
  • 3 Nia Classes - My gym started offering it 1 x week, and it's fun!
  • 14 Yoga Classes - I'm really loving Yoga and the stretching right now. I can see improvements.
    •      9 Flexability  - a focus on stretching.
    •      3 Vinyasa - my Wednesday morning class that I just love.
    •      2 Ashtanga - new to me, and good so far.

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